In my career as an actress I have experienced all the worst of Hollywood. I once had a director try to sleep with me, when I refused and informed the FEMALE producer, I was promptly fired and they smeared me to the rest of the cast/crew.
I've had countless co-workers make sexual references to me and put their hands on me without permission. Both actors and crew.

I've had my body parts become the literal focus of shots that were not in the script.

I've heard countless stories from fellow actresses.
I know firsthand the vile sexual exploitation that happens in Hollywood everyday. I know the names of the stars you adore who are true monsters in the dark. This is why is breaks my heart watching someone as good as #JohnnyDepp be canceled by extreme feminists and media...
For the lies by his abuser. Plenty of people in Hollywood know this too. They KNOW what kind of person #AmberHeard really is. They whisper it in private but don't dare speak it on the record. #AmberHeardisAnAbuser
They're scared of your #metoo mob and #timesup cancelation.
When they should be doing the right thing and protecting a man who's actively protected THEM.

Here are some very real things that #JohnnyDepp has done over the years. Just a few examples as many go unreported.
He was courteous and kind to the hundreds of women who had to bare all during the filming of Don Juan in 1993.
He stood up for his female co-star on the set of Ed Wood when she was literally being accosted by an extra.
There are other stories, some that don't get headlines or interviews. Like standing up to a director who tried to force a female co-star to get naked. Every female co-star he's ever done a love scene with speaks about his respect and kindness, never crude, or invasive.
Yet here comes the mob with their pitchforks for a man who is no monster, he is no predator. A man who has his ex wife on tape screaming she was hitting him. A man who has medical records and photos, eye witnesses and her own damn confessions of violence...CANCELED for what?
#CancelCulture has gotten it so very very wrong and because of it real monsters will reign as good ppl are forced out. I know this because the real monsters, no one even dares to whisper their names.But you'll be first in line to see their next movie.

You THINK you're helping but you're not. Allegations need to be examined on their individual merits, not with some blanket, ridiculous notion that "no woman would lie."
Oh, they definitely do. I know many of them too. Women who stab you in the back for their own gains.
Allegations of criminal behavior should be investigated on individual basis. Weigh the accusations, weigh the history, weigh the accused and accuser. Weigh the evidence.

Consider the facts. Before you cancel the innocent.
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