We won a great battle.

The war has just begun.

This is not the end.

It is not the beginning of the end.

It is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Fascism will not die.

The price of democracy
is eternal vigilance.

We have a republic
only if we can keep it.
Stay engaged.
Stay enraged.
Stay active.
Vote always.
Vote Blue.

Fight James Corvus
(the reborn Jim Crow).

What you did this year
you must redouble.

Fascism will not die.

Never give up.
Never surrender.
We won a great battle.
But the war has just begun.
This is the task of your life
because fascism will not die.
Fascists see this as the task of their lives.

We must respond.
We must prevail.
We must take the fight to them.

We won a great battle.
The war has just begun.
This is not the end.

Be a goddam hero.

You can follow @dcpetterson.
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