twitter rn is not poggers
my take on internet drama; a thread
use the internet and sites like yt and twitch to watch people have fun and do stuff like draw and play games. internet drama is so stupid because people just pick and choose who they like and then defend them on everything without being willing to understand both sides.
you dont know people on the internet. at all. you will never know what they are like, so stop acting like you know someone based on what they present themselves as. when things get leaked and start drama, it is still selective. you don't know anything else about the people other
than what got leaked. you dont know who is truly in the right or wrong. and here is my obligatory "hot take" in all this and drama in general- imagine caring SO much about highschool drama about people you've never even met? thats pretty embarrassing. go outside.
when it comes to drama, you basically just pick which content creators you like more and then become a white knight for them and act as if they do no wrong. anyone they call out or attack- you immediately dislike without taking two glances at what the actual person does.
i honestly wish that internet drama just blow themselves up at this point, and it just reminds me about how toxic and stupid twitter is. grow up and stop caring so much about people you don't and will never meet. maybe take a break from the internet.
yes, i know i have people i have obvious bias for online. I'm not stupid- i definitely like specific creators over others. but at least I know that people arent evil as soon as something bad about them comes up. and at least I recognize that I will NEVER truly know any of these
people. ever. and i do not know jack squat about who they truly are- cancelled or not. i use the internet to watch people do cool things that I enjoy- not to leech off of some dumb highschool drama that I don't know ANYTHING about.
like or dislike a creator- i dont care. im not here to make you like everyone i like. we all have opinions. however, if you genuinely like and engage in online drama about people you will never know? get some friends, or maybe even a job. who knows- might help you in the end.
now, to wrap up this thread with a nice little bow: people don't realize that there is a whole system of workings with people who aren't only good or bad- and find something that they can attack in order to feel in control of themselves. AND ignore internet drama.
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