How can people not spot fake dms. The entire font is wrong. There’s already solid evidence of him talking to underaged girls, why make fake dms when it just makes the whole situation look less credible
Making fake dms makes the rest of the dms look fake so it’s really stupid and is just taking away from the seriousness of the issue
So firstly look at the text quality as a whole, the font is off. Obviously I’m on dark mode but look at the difference
Secondly the way he talks in real dms as opposed to the fake ones is completely different. The fake dms are red and the real ones are pink
Thirdly it’s interesting how when we’re being shown the chat the phone is on charge and it suddenly comes off of charge when we’re being shown his profile
Stupid stuff like this is the exact reason why famous people get away with stuff like this. If one can be proven to be fake they can argue that all of the accusations are fake and it all gets swept under the carpet and people move on
Now if only I put as much effort into my assignments as I did this thread I would be getting a first😂
Final part and how no one else spotted this is completely beyond me, likes don’t look like the fake left one, the right one is how they’re actually shown *I covered faces and names for privacy.
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