There is such a thing as chronic mental health conditions. Not everything passes and “heals.” No conversation about mental health should ignore this. It doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to cope/manage and/or be better accommodated by the people and systems around us.
If you make blanket statements that everything will “heal,” that’s ableism. Just like physical conditions, some MH conditions heal and pass, some have ups and downs, some persist, some worsen. If the only goal you deem valid is elimination of the condition, please ask why?
If all you can say to someone who has a health condition is that they should hold on to hope that someday they will no longer be how they are and exist how they exist, then please reflect on how you may be devaluing them and what they have to offer even in their unhealed state
I’m not saying hope should never be offered or that “healing” should be thrown out the window. Those perspectives can be very valid too. But ableism is thick in mental health discourse and that needs to change.
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