eating disorder tw

( if this needs a different wording please let me know ), thread below.
it's taken so long for me to realize that while i may not have a main ed, i definitely have disordered eating. i go through periods of simply not eating anything at all, to eating everything to somehow make up for it, rinse and repeat.
with my million sensory issues, i'm very picky. along with gluten making me feel sick, i'm often limited to what i can eat in general. all my old go-to 'i'm too tired to cook so i'll eat this' foods arent gf so i just... don't eat.
it's hard for me to eat lunch at work and find the time, and by the time i get home i'm either too tired to make anything or my hunger has turned to nausea which makes me want to eat even less.
and i'm trying my best but it's so hard to just eat anymore. eating is tiring. so i just don't, sometimes. but i'm trying! i AM.
anyway i just needed to have a little vent about that, even if it's convoluted and doesn't make much sense.
end thread.
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