Arrrrrgh. Saw another dumbass "'wokeness' is killing the left!" take, and I'm so tired of it. Not pointing to it bc it's too-obviously written by a guy trying to set out his shingle as the next Blackscold to be embraced by the dirtbags & alt-right alike.
It always seems obvious to me that these folks aren't actually trying to help. "Shut up about your issues!" when the issues are *life & death* isn't a reasonable ask. Would YOU get on board if a group said, "So, your kids are being murdered, and we don't care, but support us ok?"
It's disingenuous on its face. But then I see folks nodding along. "Yeah! Stop it with all your 'woke' nonsense about ::checks notes:: being shot!" Or raped. Or not receiving life-sustaining medical care. "How dare you put immediate survival ahead of UBI! So selfish!"
*This* is what's fucking up the left: the insistence by more privileged leftists that their pet issues should matter most, fuck everybody else. It's the opposite of what works. Historically, focusing on the greatest need has done the most to alleviate inequality on a grand scale.
But following this principle means listening to Black women (::gaaaasp:: intersectionality! so awful!) and studying actual history so of course we can't do that. Let's listen to some angry white dude's podcast instead, he surely has all the answers. 🙄
::sigh:: Just needed to vent. Anyway these sweet potatoes ain't gonna turn themselves into a pie, so toodles.
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