just wanna say this once and never again to clear up the air but everything that’s happened today? it’s not just because of the spanish dubs. sure, that’s what started it but this is about years and years and years of being told to shut up and “enjoy the show for what it is”
it’s not just about deancas, it’s also about charlie and rowena and kaia and claire and and and. AND: its about real fucking people. it’s about queer fans seeing themselves in these characters and feeling like their voices were being taken away. over and over again.
there are a lot of theories floating around (first draft of ep18, deleted scenes, walker, etc) and i personally don’t believe any of them are true and think that if taken too far without any actual facts to support them, this could hurt some people. but you can’t judge people for
trying to make sense of why their favorite show has repeatedly refused to represent them in a way that didn’t end in death or lead to that queer character never being mentioned again. that being said, people are mad at the powers that be. whoever that is. we are not mad at the
cast or the writers who have tried their best to give us the validation we deserve(d). however, a little rage, after more than a decade of trying to make our voices heard, was to be expected. (obviously this doesn’t excuse people sending hate to anyone who was part of the show
one way or another, if there’s anyone doing that.) anyway i’m very tired and should be sleeping rn so i’ve lost my train of thought but basically all i wanna say is stop making people feel bad for having strong emotions and reactions about something that means so much to them.
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