Dear Scotland,

We have so much in common. We share the same culture, history and language. We share the same flag and head of state, HM The Queen. We shop in the same supermarkets; we share the same currency. (1/5)
We eat and drink in the same bars and restaurants owned and operated by companies registered in the UK. We share these islands. Our most popular sport is football. We watch the same television programmes, we enjoy similar tastes in music and the arts. (2/5)
Growing up in England, I would often spend most of my pocket money on sweets and chocolate (sorry Mum) and I’d always wash it down with a cold can of Irn Bru. (3/5)
As an adult, my favourite tipple is - yes, you guessed it - a glass of single malt Scotch whisky. My favourite dish is haggis - actually, that’s a lie, haggis is just too spicy for my uncultured tastebuds. (4/5)
I know we don’t always vote the same way and I know we don’t always agree politically, but we are still the United Kingdom. This isn’t England’s United Kingdom, it’s Scotland’s United Kingdom too. Please don’t let the SNP take that away from you. (5/5)

With Love,
An Englishman
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