On this Thanksgiving Eve, I am sharing a deeply personal experience in hopes that it will change some behavior before the upcoming holidays. My father died of #COVID in April during the height of the last peak.
He had dementia, was frail, and lived in a nursing facility. He was amongst the most vulnerable. One morning, I received the call I dreaded most…he was #COVID positive.
My elderly mom, who lived nearby, was cut off from visits and my dad had no means of communication. Use of the facility’s shared iPads was not allowed to minimize spread. He didn’t own a device because dementia was a major handicap in his ability to understand the technology.
I researched and frantically purchased an old-fashioned flip phone from a local drug store hoping he could grasp its use. I set it up from out-of-state and shipped it overnight to his facility. This flip phone served as our only lifeline.
His nurse (an angel) held the phone to his ear daily so that we could tell him we loved him. We listened while he took labored breaths. He couldn’t talk back. This was our only means of communication with my dad in the days before his death.
He died within a week of being diagnosed with #COVID. He died without family by his side. We had a Zoom memorial service. I’ve haven’t been able to hug my mom since his death and have seen her only once. All tragic.
I don’t wish this experience on anyone. Please do everything in your power to prevent spread. Don’t travel. Wear masks. Don’t gather with people outside of your household. Our holiday table will forever have an empty seat.
You can follow @PamelaKunzMD.
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