International day of violence against women. Just after Transgender Day of Remembrance. Here a bunch of ignorant celebrities and politicians colonise it for the trans umbrella even though there have been NO murders of trans males this year.
No Transwomen are not more likely to be murdered than women. They are less likely to be murdered , than women, in the U.K. More have committed murder than been killed in the U.K. That’s akin to male pattern violence
Calling women “cis” implies we have chosen our “gender stereotypes” when in fact we are working to free women from gendered expectations. We don’t identify into sex based violence. We get it because of our sex.
You can claim higher rates of hate crimes only because transgender people are protected by hate crime legislation but is because misogyny is not included. . You can hate women all you want because it’s not a hate crime. Also “incidents” require no proof and include misgendering
There have only been 11 killings of trans people since 2008. World wide there are high rates in South America but 68% are prostituted males in a very vulnerable sector. Far better to foster exit strategies and stop calling it “empowering”.
This is a malicious hijacking of a day which gets no official recognition. We have a 7% increase in domestic violence during lockdown. This letter blames women for violence committed by men. No feminist would do this, none that I recognise. Shame on them all. Every last one.
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