
RFK once said, "Too often we honor swagger and bluster & the wielders of brute force". We do this at the cost of our common humanity. Vulnerability cast as weakness: we follow politicians with poll-tested pablum.
That video above is one I put together before my life fell apart and I soon found myself homeless in South Carolina. We are taught to hide these stories about ourselves, the scars that life gives us and we treat failure like cancer only to swallow shame inside our souls
and get cancer from undealt pains. I was like that too until I realized admitting weakness is our greatest strength and for that I'm forever grateful and blessed. It is because I saw a sea of humanity broken by poverty
This is why I detest terms like white privilege or the politics of diminishing the struggles of others. EVERYONE is hurting, but instead of acknowledging and empathizing with others who are injured, we bicker and fight over who has it worst and that's why we suffer even worse
The same disease of me that has erased the concept of we and places ethnicity above humanity is the root source of suffering in #Ethiopia and the underlying reason that bombs are going off in Mek’ele at this moment.
The same tribalism in America has people fighting over ideologies and skin complexion while all are being ground into dust.
God I pray we wake up one day, this earth has enough for all of us yet we near a coming storm that we can't even imagine.
Covid is not the last scene but a preview of what's waiting for us. I pray before we arrive at that day that we get over our differences A people united can accomplish anything, divided we become impotent. It took pillows and donated mattresses for me to realize this lesson.
I learned the hard way to stop being divisive and instead be a voice for togetherness. I pray that it doesn't take the same lessons for others to see what I now see after spending two years in missions and soup kitchens.
Our pains are not lessened when we acknowledge and hear the pains of others; to the contrary our pains gain meaning when we connect with the pains of others who suffer too.
Don't let the few who prosper condition you to be bitter and convince you to see yourself as victims. They are not helping you, they are robing you of your power and stealing your agency to turn you into political props. #ADOS your ancestors were not slaves,
White" people, you are not responsible for the sins of a few, most of you struggle too. I would rather form a coalition that you are a part of instead of castigating you, keeping you at a distance and assigning collective judgement which is immoral.
It is time for all of us to choose. Unite or perish. The vast majority of humanity has become indentured servants of a global scheme that has turned people into pyramids.
Until we find ways to unite, we are going to whither apart.
There is a saying in #Ethiopia, Fiker Yashenifal, love shall win. Here is to love and its redemptive process,
may we all heal and restore hope to ourselves, our children and pass on opportunities instead of grievances for future generations::
Post script: when you stop being angry, when you stop seeking vengeance, when you stop lashing out & instead heal within, life turns. Not preaching, this is my story, I went from homeless to abundance & God blessed me a hundred fold what I lost. #Message
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