Sometimes, like when we're not mindful or using our intuitive empathy, we only see people's exterior actions and demeanor, without considering the underlying feelings that cause this behavior. Have you realized yet that if you examine closely, you can feel the underlying emotions
that are motivating behaviors? It's like being teleported instantaneously into their consciousness and experiencing that moment as them. The thing that most often keeps us from perceiving this is our own judgment. It's impossible to feel this empathic connection and not feel a
certain measure of compassion for their situation and their feelings. Do "brainwashed sheep" just irritate you, or are you taking the time to experience life through their senses to better understand their motivations? Do you remember what it was like to feel hopeless and afraid
of all the evident possibilities, or have you forgotten, in your awakening, what it's like to be stuck in the lower vibrational states, and how difficult it was to break free from them? Just because you have reached a level of awakening where you feel confident about certain
things, it's not reasonable to expect all others to keep up with your pace/advancement. We are all at different points in our journeys, and there are many who simply have not had sufficient experience to comprehend the same levels of things as you do. It doesn't make them lesser
or worthy of contempt. We are not here to make sure everyone "ascends". There will be many who are just not ready for that kind of evolutionary leap. Still, we came to serve everyone, not just those who listen and easily grasp the concepts we try to share. But service does not
mean "of only one kind". We can still offer comfort and healing to any who are willing to accept it. They don't have to innerstand all the things you do. Use your knowledge to enrich their lives in any way you can, and hopefully point them in the general direction of your origins
and chosen path. Not everyone will resonate with your path, and not everyone will be equipped to comprehend or follow it yet. Those who are so equipped, and also willing to embark on this path, will find their way to you for further guidance and/or insight. Don't worry about
changing anyone else's views or beliefs, but instead consider theirs and seek ways to uplift them through whatever methods can be devised through your unique perspective. Just keep refining your self until you feel that everything about yourself resonates fully with the core of
your consciousness, and radiate this outwardly so that those who resonate with you can find you more easily.
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