I am thankful for my faith which is something I didn’t always have. Being able to learn more about religion, what I believe in, and being able to work on coming closer with Heavenly Father is something that has changed my life for the better.
My relationship with religion hasn’t always been perfect, but it hasn’t been terrible either. Looking back I realize my struggles that made me question everything were really trials that got me to where I am today.
In fact, sometimes I still face them, because my beliefs are different than family and friends and that’s okay! It’s important to not judge people’s beliefs even if they’re not your own. Growing up I admit I had some judgement towards those who-
we’re a different faith than mine. Which is wrong, it’s important to be accepting and loving of all people. I didn’t realize what my judgement could’ve caused to others until I decided to leave and look into another church and I then started to recieve that judgement.
Now, with the help of Heavenly Father i’m still learning, but i’m happier and I know it’s because of my relationship with God. I have learned to focus on what I belive in and focus on surrounding myself with those who love and support me. When I was really struggling I had -
read a article about a girl and her religious conversion. It was something that really affected me in the best way, I actually reached out to her and told her how much her story had impacted me and how much it actually reminded me of myself. She then responded that -
I was the first person to reach out about it, and that she was nervous to talk about her faith but she decided that if her story helped even just one person it would be worth it. So maybe...this thread will somehow help you, the reader in some way. Even if it’s just a little bit.
I am so thankful for all that i’ve been through and how my faith has put me in a sometimes confusing but amazing situation. Heavenly Father has a plan and this is apart of mine. #givethanks
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