Honestly most of my morning has been spent trying to convince my son that "sport" as a genre doesn't exist and what people generally mistakenly classify as sports can be sorted into the categories "tidying up", "throwing things away", "survival tactics" and "not a thing".
Football (sorry, SOCCER), is a great example of a tidying up game. It's even a communal tidying up game where everyone is working together to tidy up. Apart from the goalie, who is malevolent. Pool, Snooker, great tidying up games.
Tennis, Baseball, Squash (racketball, whatever) all of these are great examples of the "throwing things away" game, in which one only needs to throw something away, but it is very hard, and doesn't seem to take.
Running, cycling, the jumping ones, anything else that might help one escape from an angry animal or whatever: survival tactics. Horse racing is kind of this but the person is trying to run away from the horse and the horse from the person so they both end up going the same speed
And then other things like "golf", which could possibly qualify as a throwing away game or a tidying up game (but NEVER a survival tactic) fall into the "not a thing" category because they just don't actually exist.
Anyway this categorisation system is a work in progress, but I don't need help with it or opinions on why it is wrong because it is mine! You can make your own.
It's the joy of categorisation systems; you can create them at any time, Even For Things That Don't Exist, Like Golf.
Chess is a tidying up game. You're just tidying up for someone else. Which is nice.
Field hockey is a tidying up game, but ICE hockey is mostly an attempt at throwing things away very decisively and being angry when it doesn’t take. Polo does not exist at all.
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