PSA for people with livetweet threads: Muting a thread will keep you from seeing notifications, but it will still show up in your timeline unblocked. (1/2)
Please tag your spoilers, even in your livetweet thread, or even just put the name of the game/show/other piece of fiction in each tweet somewhere so people can mute the word and it will actually be blocked from their TL. (2/2)
How do I know this? Back when Toonix was livetweeting DGS 2, I tweeted about how I had to mute him and how it hurt to mute a friend.
He then taught me how to mute a thread and I was so happy that such a gesture existed! But I kept seeing his livetweets on my tl.
I did not get spoiled (yay!), but it was honestly just luck that Twitter was showing me his jokes and headcanons and not the screenshots of important story moments.
This isn’t you guys’ fault for not tagging spoilers in your threads apart from the first one, it’s Twitter’s for making a feature that is so easily confused as working the same way as the “mute person” and “mute word” features.
I see “mute this thread to avoid spoilers” at the beginning of nearly every livetweet thread and it causes me pain knowing that the feature that fandom people put so much trust in just does not exist in the form they’ve been led to believe it does.
You can follow @dolusdulcis.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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