They’re not mad that Obama said there are religiously conservative Latinos who vote Republican (though that’s not why Trump improved his vote share among Latinos.) They’re mad because Obama called Trump racist, a description that logically extends to the people who voted for him.
In other words the thing they’re actually mad about is white people being called racist, which they find outrageous and offensive, especially from the black former president who should shut up and be grateful. Trump’s racism though, is fine.
*not *necessarily* why Trump improved his Latino vote share, I think it’s not fully clear why yet, but we’ll find out.
The Trump presidency began with him demanding the first black president show his papers, and it ends with his campaign demanding hundreds of thousands of black votes across multiple states be invalidated. The ship has sailed on “is Trump racist.” Sailed on Trumpists too.
“Sometimes voters of color prioritize other issues over racism” is the story of how the Democratic Party became what it is today so let’s be a little less precious about this entire conversation.
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