1/ Twitter has the most quirks of any platform

here are 12 of the weirdest (but also useful) "hacks" I've stumbled across from spending way too much time on it
2/ Pull a video directly from a tweet

1. Get ur phone out (only works on mobile)
2. Hard press the screen
3. Hit "Tweet video" and caption it whatever you want
4. Original poster will be credited automatically
3/ How to switch profiles while responding to someone

click on your profile pic and your other accounts will pop up. The best part is the copy you've written won't change

this is a lifesaver for people managing brand accounts
4/ The clicking your profile pic trick also works for retweets
5/ Writing in special text

if you've ever seen someone write in 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗱, uʍop ǝpısdn, ᵗⁱⁿʸ lettering, etc. this is how they do it

simply go to the website below, write out your tweet, then copy and paste the special text you want onto Twitter

6/ Amount of characters that fit on each line

on mobile, you can fit 1 and 5/26ths of the alphabet on one line (31 letters)

on desktop, you can fit 2 full alphabets on one line (52 letters)

mobile: desktop:
7/ Use the info above to format your memes properly

always format/test on mobile so you avoid wonky-looking stuff like this
8/ How to avoid bold lettering after searching for a tweet

this is super niche but I hate when I search for an old tweet to screenshot and Twitter bolds the words I searched for

use the method in the video to avoid the bold
9/ Googling your Twitter name

searching for your twitter handle on Google will show you all the articles you've been cited in

it's probably a lot more than you'd think

hat-tip to @ThatChristinaG for putting me onto this
10/ Tagging someone at the beginning of your tweet torpedoes reach

only people who follow you AND the tagged person see the tweet on their timeline

adding a period in front (ex . @austin_rief) is a workaround but it looks bad

I usually just find a way to rewrite the tweet
11/ How to spoof the sourcing for your tweet

if you've ever seen a tweet say "Sent from Gucci SmartToilet" or something weird like that, click this link to learn how to do it

12/ Always screenshot tweets on mobile

you'll notice throughout this thread, every tweet is screenshotted from mobile, not desktop

most people use Twitter on their phone so screenshotted tweets look more natural when they are pulled from mobile
13/ This is more "Twitter fact" than "Twitter hack"

but @ArabicBest follows the most accounts on Twitter at 2.1 million

@hootsuite is second, following 1.8 million
14/ Those are all tiny wrinkles, hacks, and more I've come across on this c̶u̶r̶s̶e̶d̶ wonderful platform

if you've found some other cool tricks I didn't mention please add them to the thread!

hope you enjoyed
You can follow @tobydoyhowell.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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