Guys, please, report and block @/lisasltz!! I'll explain why in the next tweets! - Kate💜
TWs: NSFW, general hate, fatfobia, ableism, r-word use, victimblaming, selfharm, psysical and sexual abuse (in our tweets they retweeted), homophobia, death mentions, ED
Here's how it all started. Our tweets were qrt-ed, we got a notification and saw.. this. I- I actually have no words to describe how *horrible* this is. And about the last claim - it's painfully obvious that it's fake. We would *never* post something like this.
By the way, the same 'evidence' was used by Trisha Paytas supported back in march, when we just created our account. That person was bullying systems on purpose and had lots of accounts besides the main one, so, I see, even if we blocked them, they're back.
Then, @/lisasltz is retweeting lots of selfharm videos. These videos start off by usual k-pop fancams, that after some seconds, turn into a very triggering material. So, please, if you see videos that start with these images/clips (see photos), click away immediately.
They've been quoting other people's tweets & threads where people were begging for financial help because they're currently in a really bad situation (their parents kicked them out, their money got stolen etc) and said this.
Tweeted things like on the screenshots multiple times and used the r-word, even if censored, but as an insult repeatedly.
They love going around & calling people fat.
Retweeted this 'stan list'. I'm sure you already understand why is it not ok.
And, as an addition, have this. How can a person be *that* horrible??
I want to add that I don't care whether it's a troll account or not. This is not funny and they are hurting *real people*. We reported and blocked them, hopefully they won't get to us and to any of you ever again. - Kate💜
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