1.) Pretty sure I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: This lockdown business is not about safety, it’s about conditioning society. The proof is Governors Newsom and Cuomo telling their states there’s no returning to normal...
2.) ...and yet you have Newsom, during the first lockdown, taking off to Wyoming and walking down the street window shopping, no mask in sight, while the state he’s supposed to lead shelters in place, and shuts down its entire economy.
3.) He shuts down in person schools, public and private, but sends his kids to in-person instruction at a private school. He shuts down vast chunks of the restaurant industry, but goes out to eat without a mask.
4.) I don’t even care that it was an uppity restaurant; it would have been just as hypocritical if it were a Denny’s.
5.) You have Gavin’s Aunt Nancy going on Stephen Colbert showing off her fancy freezer full of gourmet ice creams while people whose businesses were being shut down were struggling to survive.
6.) When all the hair and beauty salons in Pelosi’s SF district were shut down, she went and got her hair done, regardless.
7.) You have Eric Garcetti shutting down all of Los Angeles with no indoor OR outdoor eating, with no evidence that the increased number of COVID positives comes from dining establishments, but, rather, that government facilities contributed twice as much as restaurants.
8.) The people in charge don’t care about your safety. They only care about how submissive you are to their will, and each subsequent lockdown is only issued to condition you to be docile as they take more control.
9.) There. I said it. Ban me if you want, Twitter.
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