a slow moving train yet nobody is willing to help people off the tracks. Econ officials across the spectrum say more is needed. R & D leaders say more is needed. Yet CARES program after CARES program – which should have served as deal triggers – has expired and…nothing.
messaging/positioning for talks. (nobody thought $3.4tn HEROES, drafted w/out Rs, was a viable proposal for bipartisan agreement. Nobody thought $500bn Senate R bills, drafted w/out Dems, was a viable proposal for bipartisan agreement. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you.)
those proposals serve a real purpose as opening bids, or to underscore positions. Starting lines. Places to open talks. (And eventually, political cover) That moment was 6 months ago. Ds came down to $2.2 in HEROES 2, but much of that was shifting expiration deadlines.
Mnuchin got close on to Pelosi on the topline, but the actual splits on policy were never really close to resolved. and by that point, it’s not clear Senate Rs would pass anything Pelosi/Mnuchin would’ve agreed to anyway.
And contrary to what people might have said, electoral prospects had unquestionably entered the dynamics. And unquestionably led to some pretty clear miscalculations in hindsight.
happy to talk merits of 600 vs 400 enhanced UI. Or permanent OSHA vs. liability sunset. Or $436bn vs $150bn S&L. Or national vs. state testing/tracing/surveillance. Understand the value of the positions, and what they represent, how crucial details are in talks like this.
But at what point does the need for an actual outcome start to trump various specific pieces? I guess the answer is that point hasn’t been reached yet? Good luck explaining that to the millions who have exhausted their state benefits and will soon exhaust their 13 wk fed benefit
only pt here is I’ve been tied to a couch post knee surgery for the last 5 days and I’ve spent much of that time replaying each stage of the covid talks in my head. (yes, I’m aware there are better uses of my time) but it’s just made me angrier and angrier. Folks deserve better.
Put Approps/Finance/Ways&Means staff in a room and they could’ve hammered out a deal in a week. Hell, everyone’s had a good sense of where the sweet spot is for months. (and rank & file on both sides, in both chambers, acknowledge it when they’re being candid)
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