Here is the full text of the Guardian staff letter that Suzanne Moore is still getting column inches over as if it was a personal attack on her.
"As employees across the Guardian, we are deeply distressed by the resignation of another trans colleague in the UK, the third in less than a year.

We feel it is critical that the Guardian do more to become a safe and welcoming workplace for trans and non-binary people. /1
"We are also disappointed in the Guardian’s repeated decision to publish anti-trans views. We are proud to work at a newspaper which supports human rights and gives voice to people underrepresented in the media. /2
But the pattern of publishing transphobic content has interfered with our work and cemented our reputation as a publication hostile to trans rights and trans employees.

We strongly support trans equality and want to see the Guardian live up to its values and do the same.

We look forward to working with Guardian leadership to address these pressing concerns, and request a response by 11 March.

Below is a list of 338 of Guardian employees globally who signed this letter at the time of writing./4

Only 4 tweets long and never mentions her.
The issues that Guardian staff raised concerns about remain an issue in the Graun and many other platforms whether she works for the Guardian or not, until there start to be serious commitments towards addressing the widespread hostility towards trans ppl. It's not about her.
I post this as much as anything to encourage trans advocates and would be allies to stop making this story a question of whether Suzanne Moore is a good or bad person and instead to advance the issues and efforts she has attempted to misrepresent and exploit for her own benefit.
In fact the less time we spent trying to determine good people from bad and the more time trying to understand and confront the operation of systems of power the better in general so far as I'm concerned.
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