1/13 A little thankful thread. It starts with @TheWRACGroup. If you're writing in the void, join all the crazy supportive writers chasing the dream. It'll change your life. It did mine. Add to that peeps like @JLisaJay @ActualClintFord @joheartsart @DanielleNicki getting repped.
2/13 & showing us talent/hard work pay off. @collinlieberg for hosting writer zooms in the pandemic. @ThisisKaia with her Knock Knock meetings for women writers. @jphilogden @linzertorte05 @britttbanks and the amazing cast for bringing #SouthernFried to life on @TheThingforAWD
3/13 @ArielRelaford & @NewYorkinJune for creating @SCREAMwritersPC and having me and other writers on. It's a blast. @AGComedy and her networking meetings. @BiatchPack for #TheBitchList2020 and the doors it opens. Plus her and @tay_nanea joining together to write some diabolical
4/13 words sure to spook us. @UnicornFilmsLtd for hosting table reads to get writers exposure. @ScriptPipeline & #PipelineWriters. @DanielleNicki for @marketmyscript and an act of generosity that still boggles the mind. @becauseivy inbox me motherfucker is the coolest vibe.
5/13 @HorrOrigins for doing interviews with me and other writers while supporting horror writers everywhere. @JeffLieber for being a constant presence in our lives and Hollywood I'm bringing him to the Bourbon Street party. @Balance510 for his query article that helped so many
6/13 @OKBJGM for his kindness and making so many resources available on his site. @MorganicInk her #WGAstaffingboost will launch careers. @jeffreyhoward33 who may write some creepy but has a pure heart. @melissahilfers who's doing great things but shares her knowledge.
7/13 @thegarygraham who tireless support of others needs to be recognized. @BobSnz is another who reaches out to offer a hand. @Massawyrm is always willing to boost your spirits when it's most needed. @EvaSzigriszt her talent is only exceeded by her heart. I know first hand as
8/13 do many others how much of an impact she can have on your life. @evacharya with a single line captured the essence of #TheFifelot and reminded me what it feels like to connect with a reader on the page. @AC_screenwriter @montyrockhead @LindsayMcRae for emails in the early
9/13 days of #SouthernFried that made the dark nights of the soul worth it. To the LBGTQ readers who helped me bring it to life. All of the writers who allowed me the privilege of reading their work. Those that read mine and had to suffer through my demented ramblings.
10/13 @nevslin whose writing credits speak for themselves & still takes time to help others. Writers who always make me smile like @timwestland @prex4 @JJSmithPrime @ditty1013 @BrendonUdy. I could list so many names but know I treasure each of you. In a crazy year you've all been
11/13 a joy. 2021 is coming. May the suffering of 2020 change to an avalanche of blessings for us all. Hollywood there's a ton of talent out in this world. It comes in all shapes, sizes, ethnic backgrounds, sexuality and any other characteristic that are used to define us but...
12/13 ya better know one thing. We're coming. There's folks like @CragmiteCreator @WritingByErica @Lench_III @davegoossen @jimpicariello @MRomaskyWrites @kevryanperson @VincentJung11 @SuzanneGriffin1 @analydiamonaco @LydiaMulvey and so many others bringing the heat. A nod to a
13/13 couple of managers peeling back the curtain @johnzaozirny & @DanielJSeco. You don't see everything they do for writers, but you do hear about it.

Thank you all for being a part of my life.

Happy Thanksgiving! Be safe because we've got ass to kick in 2021!
14! Bonus post. @richorstad18 cuz the talented mofo went and got a script deal. @grking for signing an agreement with a producer. These rays of sunshine in this messed up year are like oxygen. To those I missed or forgotten, blame my CRS (can't remember shit).
You can follow @BogeyGuyC.
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