I had the strangest dream last night. I was taking a test but then I went to take a break and vanished off into a series of side quests only to return to learn the test was nearly over even though I thought I had twenty minutes more. It stressed me out to the point that I awoke.
But after I calmed down and realised it was only a dream it got me thinking about the Point of No Cares. It reminded of the no-stakes period near the end of both high school and university where you do the math and realise what matters and what doesn't. It's so freeing.
In high school, I cared a lot (too much) about success for the first 4 years, but in my last semester (Ontario had 5 years of h/s at the time) I had already gotten into university and did the math on what classes I needed to get what marks in & stopped caring about the rest.
It was the most freeing thing, and I honestly think I did better in all my classes (not to mention my personal life) than if I had given my all in all my classes.
University, same thing. I did a 4.5 year co-op program, and I cared a lot the first few years and got got grades. By late year 4 I did the math again. I needed a certain average grade across certain courses to get into the CA program, and I basically just needed to barely pass.
I was super fortunate to be an older millennial, graduating into a job market where I already had employment lined up so at this stage my grades literally stopped mattering. I could almost completely stop caring for almost a whole year. And I did.
Despite some marks slipping (to the point one professor pulled me aside to see if everything was ok), it was one of the best times of my life. I don't know if I've ever been happier for so long since. I still did fine, but LETTING GO is the most kind thing you can do for yourself
The Real World doesn't let you do that. Once you graduate and start working - especially if you're self-employed like I am - you never get the chance to just stop caring for awhile. Doing the math is now not about grades but about finances and leads to never getting to let go.
Like, the complete freedom point happens when you can afford (financially) to just burn it all fucking down and still make it to the other side alive and safe and housed and healthy. That doesn't become available until retirement.
I think we all need that I Don't Care moment every five years or so. We live our best lives when we have that freedom. We need to rebuild our entire worldview to even make this possible.
I didn't realise when I started this thread but I think I just restated my case for some form of universal income. We all need the freedom that comes with knowing we will have a safe place to sleep and food to eat even if we completely fuck up our professional lives.
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