Hello I came to the realization that it is my civic duty (?) To compile all the times where Goro Akechi has Been truthful with very thin disguises of it or none at all / Cried for help because it's legit all the time. (1/?) (Yes I'll leave this unfinished)
Goro is someone who unfortunately is under the control of someone else against his own will. This and his own stubbornness bind him from being able to be directly honest with you, but he keeps finding ways of doing so anyway, and he takes a huge risk in doing so. (THE LAST ONE)
And while he did decide to approach Shido on his own, pretty much every action afterwards wasn't his choice, even when there's a chance he's trying to convince himself otherwise. It's no wonder he sees in you a beacon of hope to pull him out of that mess, and warn you from it too
I'm gonna stop on this one because it's way too complicated for a fucking tweet, but basically, it's special because Goro is describing himself AND Akira in BOTH those statements.
He usually retracts whenever he gives too much details or you give a particularly negative reaction to them, which is heartbreaking to consider, but his intent to be truthful to you is always there. (The "I wonder why I told you" LMAO HE'S BEGGING YOU TO NOTICE)
I think It's honestly impressive just HOW MUCH truth this boy manages to fit in his barely-there facade, not even including all the fawning and complimenting he does for Akira cause that would be The Gay Version of this thread, but yes, that is also true, I think.
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