1/7 Conspiracy theorist, a term made up by CIA for anyone questioning the Warren report. The term is used today by MSM when they are covering up & are complicit of their crimes.

#JuanOSavin said this Christmas will be the last time anyone calls you a CP again. BOOM
2/7 It appears The Enquirer was actually reporting real news. Who knew? Remember the trash they wrote about Michael Jackson? Way ahead of his time with med beds that I can tell you. #GodWins #Truth
3/7 They lost all the footage of the JFK Jr plane crash, vanished, just like that, just like the landing on the moon. Who was the first person on the moon? Neil Armstrong's camera man!

Plane in last pic, NOT JFK plane, # does not match & those two FBI look awful familiar.
4/7 Rumour has it JFK asked Carolyn to marry him on July 4th, independence day. She took 3 wks to answer him, I suspect he told her about the plan.

Also note hand symbolism = tip of the spear.

5/7 The Kennedy hand grasp is important, so are ears & numbers. Once the world learns to read symbolism, it's over for them.

#HoldTheLine #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownFall
6/7 Tip of the spear. Yes that is @realDonaldTrump at the tip of the spear. This has been planned for a very long time & the truth will shock the world. #BuckleUp #Biblical
7. Thank God for this military operation of white hats saving humanity & our children.

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