Hello, my name is Shane Trejo. I am a whistleblower who signed a sworn affidavit after being on the floor of the absentee vote counting board in Detroit election night.
There are hundreds of whistleblowers like me, whose sworn affidavits have been notarized under the penalty of perjury, who are being ignored by activist media personalities who are desperate to crown a new president before serious investigations can occur.
I have founded Whistleblowers United to shine a light on the sworn affidavits of Americans who are pushing back against corruption. We welcome all news media to investigate the sworn affidavits, to determine if we are lying, and then widely report their findings to the public.
We also invite Democrat officials who were there in Detroit to sign sworn affidavits attesting that no abnormalities occurred.They have made these comments frequently but there is no legal standing behind their words.They should have no problem doing this if they're being honest.
Thank you for the outpouring of support and love I have received since going public as a whistleblower. Individuals of good conscience overcoming their fear and speaking out is the only thing that can save our beleaguered nation.

Check us out at https://tinyurl.com/yxnnznt4 
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