This year has been tough on all of us, but it has come with a lot of lessons and realisations, as a single woman who turned 29 in a conservative society I too learned a lot, a thread-
Not all of us achieve greatness, all of us will not be highest paid athlete or the president of United States, we have to find success in whatever we decide to do and what makes us happy, this is where our greatness lies, in doing what we believe in irrespective of who’s watching
Forgiveness, justice and closure all come at a cost, many a times we might not get it, it still doesn’t mean we are defeated or wrong, it simply means some battles are best left to fight another day
Relationships are tough, what’s tougher is coming out of the victim mindset that what was done to us was wrong, may be it was, may be it wasn’t but it’s best to start from where we are rather than living in resentment of where we are not
The world is changing so rapidly, what was relevant in 2010 is non existent, we get so engrossed in our struggles we forget that our parents are also fighting this pace whole trying to be relevant in our lives, they need time, they want to be a part of our lives
Professional success is great, but it seems bland if it’s enjoyed with the people we love, unfortunately for us small towners it comes at the cost of having your heart divided amongst multiple cities so be it, it’s hard for us but it’s what that makes our resolve stronger
I learned to live with my thoughts, without the need to constantly scroll through my phone or watch ambient television, that’s how I understood there are so many things I need to identify and work on, some identified some still a mystery, one day at a time.
Being strong is not about not feeling anything, it’s about knowing your vulnerabilities and being vulnerable enough to love unconditionally yet courageous enough to move on when it’s the need to do so
People don’t judge you for what you are, they judge you for what they want to become and don’t have the courage to, they see you braving all odds and that’s what bothers then, how can someone put themselves out there without the fear of judgement? It scares everyone don’t quit
Learning should never stop, no matter you are 20 or 40, knowing something new will give you immense confidence in yourself, it will prepare you for the worst because in your heart you will know no matter what life throws at you, you are curious enough to learn a trick and get out
Internet is not just social media, it’s vast, it’s equal parts good and bad and you can choose which side you want to be, be the crusader of kindness not the sword bearer of hate, hate doesn’t last love does, it makes you a better person.
We all will get out of this pandemic eventually, what will make us better then is the integrity in our thoughts, the substance in our character and how we held each other up in such difficult times, this is on all of us, for some more difficult than others but we all are in it
Your parents don’t mean bad for you, they just operate from the guidance they received, if we leave them behind without educating them it will never change, now the tables have turned, they are the children now, hold their hand and guide them, they need us more than ever
Always believe that whatever you earn can be very well earned by someone else too, we should find a way to give it back to the society, not everyone had the privilege of quality education and freedom of choice, we did and we should do whatever we can to help them.
We make mistakes, all of us do, and it’s important to forgive ourselves, honestly it’s more difficult to forgive ourselves than forgiving others. We need to understand we are human and mistakes are bound to happen, start from where you are rather than resenting the past
My parents wanted me to get married when I turn 26, I am 29 now and my parents want me to study further and achieve more because I made them a part of my dreams, of my struggle, my friends and my belief, they understood me as a person, we forget to show the real us to them.
I went back to my old hobbies which were left behind dur to procrastination or because I believed I should just keep working, started reading, watching races and playing badminton, it upped my curiosity and I could upskill because my mind went back to the habit of learning
We lose the battles in our head before we lose it in the field, as humans, seeking validation is our inherent need which is not wrong, but making it the center of our life starts a downward spiral where we risk losing our real self, and honestly all real selfs are beautiful ALL.
People are fighting battles we know nothing about, no two lives are the same. It’s okay if our friends are not calling us, if they are busy. They might have something to deal with, if if it’s as small as being alone, everyone has a different coping mechanism.
They will tell you internet is not the place for kindness but it is actually the place which needs it the most, we forget that there’s a human behind a username, we need to remember that when we type.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter if millions of people are appreciating you, it’s nothing if that 1 person doesn’t, it can be your parents, siblings, friends or lover. It has nothing to do with your ability, they are bound by the limitations in their mind, it doesn’t reflect on you.
Age is not just a number when your doctor asks for it, for the rest of the times it actually is, you can be introduced to something people were introduced much earlier, you might choose to change interest at 30, it’s completely alright, you don’t owe an explanation to your age.
Yes there are people less fortunate than you but people who are more fortunate than you exist as well, comparison both ways is risky and a downward spiral, one will bring you slack and other resentment. What’s important is to know what you actually want and pursue that.
Most of us know little about technology because we were not born with it, this includes our parents. We need to teach them then why we get so annoyed when they ask simple questions about things like Facebook? Because we expect them to know everything, that’s when we create a gap.
I learned that what we earn is more than what we need and less than what we deserve, because our potential and needs both are limitless, we just need to find a balance to not lose the former in the pursuit of the latter.
Vulnerability is strength, there’s no evolution without reaching the depths of our hearts. We can safeguard ourselves by constantly swimming in the shallow waters but at what cost? The depth in our emotions is the depth in our character.
Empathy is your strongest quality but you are a human too so you need to be empathetic towards yourself too. Do what’s right for you and don’t feel guilty about it, after all you owe yourself love, respect and support. An empty jug cannot fill a glass. Be kind to yourself.
It’s natural to think we deserve success and attention more than others, but trying to pull someone down at the moment of their glory is not okay. People try to rattle you when you’re doing well, don’t get bogged down, you’re not a frog in a bucket, you’re a phoenix YOU WILL RISE
You can follow @awwwnchal.
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