This is what happens when we keep embracing and perpetuating anti-trans feelings and actions.
Whether it's those of us who are "scared" of Black trans women, those of us who think trans is an "illegitimate" identity, those of us who use religion to ostracize and dehumanize Black trans women, those of us who deny Black trans women basic health services and human rights...
...or those of us who enact physical violence against Black trans women--all are complicit in what happens to Black trans women and each of of us has blood on their hands, no matter what excuses, cognitive dissonance ploys, or apologias we make to deny it.
History will judge us harshly irrespective of how righteous we feel in the moment.
My posts about Black trans women are the least popular, least engaged, least commented on, least shared posts on Son of Baldwin. But this isn't a popularity contest for me. This is life or death for Black trans women.
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