If one simply goes by "the stats" that Obama uses as evidence for what he did for Black people, then a person could use those same stats to make an identical argument for Donald Trump. https://twitter.com/breakfastclubam/status/1331583666569371648
For example, Obama cites the rate of poverty lowering for Black people during his tenure.
He also cites Black income. He doesn't specify what type of income but let's assume he is talking about median household income
The same with incarceration as well. Obama rattles off stats (especially without specifying how those stats are collected and what they really mean) as a way to deflect from any real engagement with his politics.
Notice how he danced away from the question about what he did specifically that positively impacted the lives of Black people. He didn't even explain how his actions influenced the stats he used as evidence.
Obama sticks the same ole story that Black people who criticize him are essentially too ignorant to know that he did the best he could with what he had.
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