Could prob find a way to phrase this more nicely but I think Cronk's a good example of why COVID policies (and especially communication of those policies) needs to be geared toward the dumbest among us and not rely on individuals' "common sense".
It's unimaginable to me lol but there are plenty of ppl who HAVEN'T been doom-scrolling daily trying to teach themselves epidemiology, who are living their lives as normal unless specifically instructed to take step-by-step actions by a government representative to their face.
Of course someone with "common sense" AND an understanding of the pandemic would take extra precautions when returning from outside a travel bubble and self-isolate pending test results. But a lot of ppl go through life on the path of least resistance without a second thought.
(A couple phrases in the article lead me to believe Cronk would go out of his way to take a less-resistive path but I'm trying to keep things generic here.)
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