2. Since Biden Harris win @shrm has put out one scare tactic article after another today’s Headline “Biden Likely to Ramp Up Pay-Equity Fight” WHEN was it a liability to fight for pay EQUITY? Basically HR doesn’t feel that women and minorities should be paid fairly? #hrcommunity
Here’s the introspection question for #HRCommunity Why would you advocate against Equal Pay, Paid Leave, Paid Maternity Leave? How many of you are being under paid right now? Because women make up the bulk of HR Managers while men occupy most of the VP Roles. #HR
Note to @SHRM you can be Pro-Business and Pro-Equal Pay and Pro-Employee Rights ALL at once, but that takes being a Human first. Women and Minorities don’t want to be paid .62c for every $1 earned while you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to wordsmith a policy #HRCommunity
3. Yesterday it was Paid Medical Leave.... “Will Biden Expand Paid-Leave Benefits?”
I think we learned the importance of paid Leave during COVID19 but @shrm still takes the middle ground. Here’s a link to their position https://advocacy.shrm.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/9.14.20-SHRM-Response-to-DOL-RFI-Paid-Leave-Final.pdf?_ga=2.28982780.1117652488.1606316180-1040393686.1606316180
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