Every few years, a theological, cultural, or political issue arises threatening the unity of SBC churches.

Some issues I’ve seen debated just in the last few years: Calvinism, speaking in tongues, the role of women in ministry, the use of alcohol, pro/never Trump, & now CRT.
In each case, battle lines are drawn, partisan voices are elevated, accusations of heresy are leveled, and then at some point things settle down until the next issue arises.

I’m convinced Satan loves it.

As long as we are engaged in friendly fire, the mission gets neglected.
Our public witness is hurt as we savage each other with hurtful words/actions.

The nations suffer as they wait to hear the gospel because we are pre-occupied with each other rather than with obedience to King Jesus who commanded us to love one another, be unified, and go tell.
We need to remember who the real enemy is.

We need to take seriously Jesus’ words in John 13:35 that the world will know we are his disciples by our love.

We need to stay together on the main lines of our theological confession and leave the side streets alone.
Every time I see a new issue arise, it breaks my heart and I just wonder, ‘When will we ever learn?’
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