the extents people will go to to try to convince me im ugly
what of beauty do you value so much that it pains you so much that I don’t have it
why does beauty have so much power over you that even tho i have rejected it, you’re so hell bent on shoving beauty or lack of it down my throat
what is beauty if not a tool to keep women in place, what is beauty if not what the oppressor woman has used to separate herself from the rest of us
what is beauty if not absolutely boring
must be difficult to have no brains that you cling so badly to the specific way in which your face contorts
beauty is policing. beauty is gatekeeping. beauty is privilege & beauty is power that marginalises so many of us. makes us feel like we don’t deserve to be. abolish the power beauty has over you.Ur gonna be old one day and maggots will eat your face, your beauty will not matter
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