yang kutampilkan disini emang sisi burukku, mungkin gak pernah ngelihatin sisi baikku sama sekali, ya karna untuk apa? biar dapat pengakuan? biar dapat like? biar dipandang baik sama orang lain? gak guna yang ada cuma ngerusak esensinya
i feel so wrong talking about this, i should keep all this deep inside me, i feel like i really wanna make a point but i keep preaching now
aku juga sebenernya gak peduli sih penilaian orang, pendapat orang tentang aku, it won't bother me at all but at the other side, i really want people to know that i'm not like what they're thinking, i guess that's my point and that's pointless.
don't take this thread seriously, just forget it, oh look! there's picke rick over there!
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