Please RT

I'm having a ridiculous week I've gone over my overdraft limit...

If anyone could help me out would be appreciative.. if not no worries. I get paid #UniversalCredit on the 2nd...

PayPal is [email protected]
And I'm genuinely sorry to ask... It's just a nightmare this week... Am waiting for sons Universal Credit claim to go through and have been supporting him for 3 months now and it's a joke. He owes me a bloody fortune... Long story...
We don't need much tbh... But I would like to get out of overdraft if I could raise £30 in bits and pieces it would be magical...
@claire_RCG @barryoleary77 @seery_o @MarisaDrucker @snibs14 can any of you's give me an RT please on the ABOVE tweet I'm skint lol xxx
@Mr_ReadingTown @Tinkerbell32112 @Yazzy_321
@welshgoldigger @DameLozza
can any of you's give me an RT please on the ABOVE tweet I'm skint lol xxx
Also I have slippers or Perfume etc you could buy... It makes me commission so I do t have to be so skint...we have nice things for Xmas .... Xxxx
We have Mother and child slippers.. it's £37.00 for a set plus £3.00 P and P postage.. ❤️❤️❤️
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