Coastal cities are flooding and the pandemic is still rampant.
Now what? (1/x)
1. Don't believe or spread fake news. Listen and read only from official sources. Don't believe or spread whatsapp messages and Facebook articles without verifying. BUT (2/x)
2. Listen to personal accounts. Just like the pandemic, even though the flood affects everyone, it doesnt do so equally. So listen to those who are having a harder time and amplify their message. Feel free to comment your story below this thread. (3/x)
3. If you can avoid it, avoid the flood waters at all costs. They carry lots diseases, sharp objects and could even be electrically conductive. STAY AWAY FROM THE WATERS. (4/×)
4. Eat healthy but conserve your non-perishable. Stock up on them if possible but understand that other people need it to. Don't waste food. If you can donate it. Donate it. (5/×)
5. Secure your access to clean water to drink. If you are running out of water. Use sanitizer to keep your hands clean! It is terrible but water to drink is more important. Buy plastic bottles or use your filter. (6/x)
6. Keep in touch with your family and friends. A lot of you maybe isolated and it will get lonely and gloomy. Don't isolate yourself mentally (7/x)
7. To those not experiencing this. Donate! Please be careful who you are donating to and make sure the money reaches the people who truly need it. Talk to the locals! Please plug donation links here. (8/x)
Understand that extreme floods are going to become more frequent. Help these cities and people who live there prepare for it even before it happens. Understand their plight. Listen to their stories.
This is an effect of climate change. Call you govt, corporates and challenge them to adapt better policies. Do your part to make the planet more sustainable. Spread the world.
You can follow @EcoclubG.
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