Here is a #stablethread on what I'm learning from the book "The Case Against Reality" by @donalddhoffman.

I was suggested to watch Donald Hoffman's lectures by @RichB118.

This book gives me the intellectual arguments (not that they are needed) for a theory of Awakening.
Before I heard of Hoffman, I had been asking this question about whether evolution favors reality or whether it favors delusion. This book is entirely focused on this question from a professor who has dedicated his life to it:
In what seems like authentic cases of Awakening, these folk often make the statement that what we see is not reality but a waking dream.

From my experience (even though I don't consider myself to be Awake), treating what the mind and body show me as a dream leads to peace
I will be adding anything to this thread from the book that makes this argument that what we percieve is not reality, but an image of reality that makes the organism fit and able to spread its genes.
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