Breakout dah reda, sekarang ada parut jerawat pula? Macam mana nak pudarkan parut jerawat ni? 😞

A thread ⬇️
Firstly, kita kena tahu that parut jerawat ni ada dua jenis :

• PIH : parut yg gelap/hitam
• PIE : parut yg merah

Details on each type of acne scars are here 👇🏻
So sebelum kita cari skincare products yg boleh membantu utk merawat parut jerawat, kita kena tahu parut kita ni jenis yg PIH atau PIE 🤗

Sebab dua2 ni memerlukan cara yg berbeza utk merawat.

If you ada acne scars, boleh guna cara ni utk tahu scars tu jenis apa 👇🏻
Different types of acne scars ada different type of treatment 🙆🏻‍♀️

🍒 Parut PIH

Exfoliate your skin regularly utk buang semua dead skin cells. Bila new skin cell keluar, parut jerawat pun boleh pudar.

Exfoliate 2 times a week je tau. Boleh guna physical or chemical exfoliator
Look for skincare products yg ada brightening ingredients such as :

- niacinamide
- alpha arbutin
- vitamin c

Ingredients ni bagus utk brighten our skin and dapat memudarkan parut jerawat, pigmentasi atau any dark spots. Skin kita pun akan nampak glowing 🤩
Rosa Glow Essence from Kayman & Zarzou BHS are skincare products yg ada brightening ingredients. Sebab tu both of these sangat2 membantu utk fade our acne scars 🥰

• Rosa Glow Essence : alpha arbutin
• Zarzou BHS : vitamin c

Combine these two and result dia mmg the best!
🍒 Parut PIE

Look for skincare products yg ada soothing ingredients yg boleh membantu utk calm & soothe redness on our skin.

Utk parut jenis ni, avoid guna products yg terlalu harsh okayyy

Cth soothing ingredients :
- centella asiatica
- aloe vera
- honey
- snail mucin
We have Skintella Repairing Serum from Kayman that provides soothing effect to skin 🤗 Sesuai utk those yg nak pudarkan parut jenis PIE.

• Skintella serum : centella asiatica

Bukan tu je, serum ni nak buat as acne treatment pun boleh. Centella mmg ada banyak benefits tau ❤️
Paling penting, jangan skip sunscreen!

Tak kesah if ada parut jenis PIH atau PIE, sunscreen jgn dilupakan okayyy.

If tak pakai sunscreen, your skin akan terdedah pada UV ray and UV ray ni akan increasekan lagi pigmentasi. Parut jerawat pun makin gelap nanti 😅
I hope this thread helps you to understand more on acne scars ❤️

If you guys ada apa2 persoalan, boleh dm or whatsapp me okieee & i will guide you ✨ 

You can also get your Kayman Beauty, Brew by Hairpot, Zarzou items with me okiee! All are readystock 🥰
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