I'll cover this in more detail tomorrow in my
@talkRADIO spot with @Iromg, but for now a few preliminaries.

First, just because I think a writer like Suzanne Moore is quality doesn't mean I agree with everything she says. [1]
Second, Suzanne Moore hasn't been cancelled. She has, however, been siloed. The number of people in my mentions who've never heard of her until today is notable. [2]
The reason my followers haven't heard of her is because I'm a Tory and most of my followers are Tories. Yes I have a few LibDem and Labour followers, and a few "hate-followers" of various stripes, but it's mostly Tories. [3]
"The Silo Effect" is what happens when a writer can't be cancelled - either because they're too big (JK Rowling) or because they're known for other reasons (I've won a lot of literary awards, most of them for fiction). [5]
I strongly suspect Suzanne Moore's days of writing for the left-wing press - and certainly the Guardian - are over. This is a shame, because she's a good writer & has interesting things to say to people on all sides of the aisle [6].
As Suzanne Moore says in her piece, she's found the right-wing press generally less bad for siloing writers than the left. This has been my experience, too. [7]
I suspect this is because of a fundamental intellectual trait present in almost all forms of Toryism: we don't think lefties are evil. We just think they're wrong. [8]
Lefties, in contrast, think Tories are evil, almost in a religious sense. Hence all the weirdness about "never kissed a Tory" and so on, like something out of Belfast in the midst of the Troubles. [9]
I'll have more to say tomorrow with Mike from 11:05 am on TalkRADIO. [10/end]
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