reasons why i want louis tomlinson to adopt me if something were to happen to my family; a thread
there are a lot of things that we have in common for example: he (for the most part) grew up without a father figure and so did i
we could be there for each other. i’m mentally really strong and i know how to keep things inside of me well, so lou wouldn’t have to worry but if he wanted me to open up he would be the one i would open up to
he has saved my life many times already so i know that he would keep me going
im a good person to talk to many of my friends say that i give great advice and that i am very mature for my age. many adults say the same thing about me including my mom
i know how to keep secrets very well so he wouldn’t have to worry about a single thing. if he wanted to have secrets from me also, that’s fine, i understand that
i am very understanding and know how to be there for a person and know how to pull them out of sadness when it comes. it takes a while but i can do it i promise
my mom admitted that she and other people noticed that when i’m around when they are sad or sick, they start feeling better, as if i knew how to pull it out of them somehow. meaning i could help lou too possibly
there wouldn’t be a problem with me as i know how to listen well and do what i’m told to do. i know how to behave
my english is fluent so there would never be a problem with communication
i don’t mind meeting new people, i can be shy at first but it would get better
i love traveling. if he was going on tour and he didn’t know what to do with me like who would take care of me i could go with him. no one would even have to find out i’m there
i am very supportive so i would encourage him a lot. i could go to all of his shows so that he knows i’m proud of him. and always remembers he’s loved and so he doesn’t have to be scared (incase)
tw // death

i’m really good with animals so i know i would love clifford. i have a dog too and she’s my best friend. she sadly passed away november 13th
i would always be by his side when he needed it. i would always stand up for him
there wouldn’t have to be extra care taken for me as i am 14 almost 15 and i know how to care of myself pretty well. so no worries louis
there are many more reasons that i might add later
end of thread. for now...
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