Many other campaigns and organisations have been fighting against the #hostileenvironment for years. Below some examples of the amazing work that has been ongoing since Theresa May announced the #hostileenvironment agenda in 2012
@UnisNotBorders continue supporting students and staff in universities facing immigration problems due to the #hostileenvironment
Together Against Prevent is a coalition working against Prevent Duty 
You can follow their work on @netpol here you can access their 60-page report on the policing of this summer’s #BlackLivesMatter protests in the UK
@JCWI_UK has been fighting the unlawful treatment of immigrants for over 50 years! They continue to work against the #hostileenvironment in many ways: fighting deportations
Holding gvt accountable for their infringement of human rights
We welcome @JCWI_UK reminder that the #hostileenvironment ‘is not only dangerous, it is unlawful’
The response from the Home Office in the guardian piece also confirms what anyone could have told you: they have no intention of changing, under this Home Secretary or indeed any imaginable Home Secretary.
This will never be more than a token rap on the knuckles, and no arm of the British state will ever truly hold another to account. Sooner or later we will have to #AbolishTheHomeOffice
You can follow @Schools_ABC.
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