The park board released results of a survey showing that a majority of folks preferred having the bike lane in Stanley Park, and the reaction has been... the usual.
Let's see who else is having a real one about this. David Fine had his petition of "30,000 signatures", Vance used CKNW and her own online presence to drive folks to the survey but oh nope, it's online, we can't trust it. THERE WERE LARGE LED SIGNS IN THE PARK ABOUT THE SURVEY.
Vance wants Horgan to step in and save her from a more accessible and pleasant park. Having a real one! Totally rational reactions!
Coupar is going off about "pre-covid data" which doesn't quite make any sense (survey was mostly asking people what they thought about the road reconfiguration that didn't exist before) but he can't even get a tweet out w/o multiple typos so lets not push him too hard on that.
Ah, the very common "guy with a Canucks related profile pic who doesn't understand what level of govt he's supposed to be mad at".
Consultation! Consultation! No wait don't consult those people! It's a sham, A SHAMMM!!!
Here's an account that got sucked into Barker/Fine/Vance's web of lies that the park wasn't STILL FUCKING OPEN WITH PARKING TO SPARE. Data released alongside the survey shows that parking was always available, and was only PEAKING around 50-60% on the busiest days.
"..he doesn't want the hassle of competing with cyclists when walking around." More takes deeply rooted in reality!
Ah, some local classics Grumpy Cat and Renaissance Painting, pretty sure I recall threats of lawsuits during the summer. Still waiting, anytime now folks!
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