I'm rather glad I waited until now to read Albion's Seed because ideologically speaking, that thing is "Oof!" in book form.
The Puritan colonists of Massachusetts were fleeing what they saw as a spiritual sickness spreading across Europe and wanted to create a confessional state where they could live what they felt was a good and God-fearing life.
380 years later, the thing they started has now morphed into an unrecognisable secular global military hegemon bent on spreading the legalisation of sodomy at gunpoint.
Pardon me if I can't help but come to the conclusion that "Just form a new community where people live in a way that you'd regard as wholesome and God-fearing" isn't a sustainable long term solution. It's been tried and the results are horrifying.
Despite the many differences of opinion, I can't help but relate to the Puritans.

As far as they were concerned, they were being ruled over by a ruthless tyrant more interested in being in the good graces of a foreign power, who hated his subjects and their way of life.
Change a few words and it's pretty much how I feel about being ruled over by Neoliberal Zionists. Exchange Rome for Israel, Catholicism for Liberalism and it's a good enough match for my empathy to kick in.
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