I've just negotiated a new employment contract, one clause was "can not work for $ without permission".

I amended it to be "..work for competitors for $"

That's fair.

As I can do whatever the fk I want for $ outside of hours. 💃🗣️👩‍💻

It's a common clause, check yours & 🔪 it. https://twitter.com/csallen/status/1331367429843214338
I really like the "you're a business" thinking when it comes to your salaried job. Every business I deal with has contracts that protect them, that say the obvious things and covers the edge cases.

Managers leave, memories fade, it's not about company's having bad intentions.
I also had a Remote Working and Flexible Work clause added.

Points we agreed on during the interview process but weren't reflected in the standard HR contract.

I had the way I can spend my training budget added as a clause. Empowers me to actually spend it as it's very clear!
I had it updated to reflect my Compressed Fortnight arrangement, so rather than saying "40 hours a week" it says "80 hours a fortnight" and other details to ensure that is my way of working.

It's in my contract, not a policy that can be pulled without my agreement.
This org is great & my manager is super positive about everything, it's not a reflection on individuals or org, I don't even work there yet!

But I'm a business, so my contract is airtight. 🔒💪

HR Contracts can be personalised, don't accept it if it doesn't make sense for you!
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