We know that in eternity past God set His amazing and sovereign plan in motion to save His children via the death, burial and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ. For the joy set before Him Jesus endured the cross on our behalf so that we may be His.
Jesus reigns triumphant and is seated at the right hand of the Farher and by God’s Grace we now have access to our Lord to Love Him and find endless enjoyment in Him as we carry out His mission in His world for His glory
But make no mistake, the death of Christ was still an INJUSTICE carried out by a kangaroo court and filled with institutional failure and evil. This being the means in which God used to being redemption to us doesn’t at all nullify this fact.
And God will hold all the unrepentant involved in such an injustice to account. God’s sovereignty never voids man’s responsibility or God’s own judgment (see Assyrians in Isa 10). There’s 2 sides of the coin and we usually only highlight one.
Our Lord knows what it’s like to be a victim of grave injustice and the crazy part is we all most likely would be in on it if we were there - this is why our redemption is beautiful - but God will not ignore such an injustice and neither should we ignore injustice in His world.
God is a God of justice - He never ignores this and neither should we - In fact the beauty of The Gospel is that Jesus absorbed the wrath of God that should have been poured out on us; Justice was served but Jesus swapped us out for Himself - He was our substitute out of Love
So when folks try to actually weaponize The Gospel of Christ to suppress our efforts to take justice seriously they obfuscate how wholistic God’s heart for Justice is by only reducing it down to evangelism and conversion. It’s not less than this but it’s def more.
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