haha lemme tell you: not the first time autistic people have been told that when expressing our sensory needs! Haha! Ha ha. haha ha. ha. haha. ha.
this whole thing is just repackaged and resold "if you are addicted to adderall but don't have ADHD you're an ableist piece of shit who makes the world harder for people who NEED those medications" discourse with the same level of insidious overiding stupidity
to be perfectly clear to many of people replying, i don’t agree that there Is No Problem Whatsoever Here, because suppliers and retailers absolutely don’t give a shit about offering requisite quantities of necessary sizes—
—but this is where the comparison to adderall comes in, because issues with access to medication also exist... it just isn’t the fault of non-“ADHD diagnosed” users. in both examples, this centers around a radical and harmful misallocation of blame
then again, what should i expect from the person who previously made the take that There Is No Such Thing As Junk Food, ultimately helping absolve mass-producers of unhealthy food of any meaningful blame where food deserts are concerned? what a corporate patsy
to the point of ableism, VERY interesting indeed that all sorts of tonal & terminological markers are fair game for judging whether one is taking clothing concerns seriously from the angle of body image, yet the moment autistic people weigh in it’s as simple as “Victimhood! LOL”
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