[THREAD] How can one be a left-wing nationalist and a communist if the communist movement is international?

In Stalin’s “Marxism and the National Question”, a nation is defined as such: (1/?)
“...a historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.” (2/?)
Oppressed people within imperialist metropoles constitute a nation, and all nations have the right to self-determination. Such movements that fight for their right to self-determination are mainly left-wing nationalist movements. (3/?)
Self-determination is defined by Stalin as follows, also from “Marxism and the National Question”:

“The right of self-determination means that only the nation itself has the right to determine its destiny, that no one has the right forcibly to interfere in the life of (4/?)
the nation, to destroy its schools and other institutions, to violate its habits and customs, to repress its language, or curtail its rights.”

Does it sound like it contradicts with proletarian internationalism? It doesn’t, in fact. Mao tse-Tung spoke of being both a (5/?)
“patriot” (left-wing nationalist in this sense) and an internationalist. This quote sums it up perfectly:

“In the fight for complete liberation the oppressed people rely first of all on their own struggle and then, and only then, on international assistance. The people (6/?)
who have triumphed in their own revolution should help those still struggling for liberation. This is our internationalist duty.”

Left-wing nationalism doesn’t interfere with proletarian internationalism at all. All Mao is saying in the above quote is that oppressed (7/?)
people should focus on their own struggles primarily, and then once they are liberated, lend assistance to other oppressed people fighting for liberation. That’s not to say neglect other oppressed people while you’re also fighting; if you can help you should. This is in (8/?)
stark contrast to right-wing/reactionary nationalism which is racist, xenophobic, etc. Left-wing nationalism and proletarian internationalism go hand-in-hand more than you might think. (9/9)
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