Some thoughts about anti-maskers:

They seem convinced that aerosol spread dominates transmission, which I think is probably correct.

And yet, they won't listen to the aerosol experts that suggest masks work to reduce transmission.
If they are really worried about aerosols AND they wanted to help others, they'd be constantly informing people about the need to wear a good mask.

Maybe they would suggest improving ventilation in homes, schools, businesses, etc.

But we see none of that.
So, what is the purpose of constantly shouting about how masks "don't work"?

To save others from giving up their facial freedoms?

I don't think so. At least, not for the bulk of them.
I think they want attention. They want to seem smarter than the experts. They probably really enjoy the *feeling* of being smarter than the experts.

I don't think they are genuinely trying to help others.
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