Skinny guys will say they eat so much and never gain weight but don’t comprehend that that proves every body is different & being heavier =/= eating a lot?? make it make sense
Tw//ed. I promise I eat 5x less than any man I know. It’s difficult for me to eat one full meal a day and some days I can’t get myself to eat at all. I won’t lose any weight tho. It could be the birth control, the 100 medications I’ve been rx’d for years, the health issues, idk-
Tw//ed. - all I know is my metabolism is SO slow I could starve (and have) and lose nothing. I also know if I started to eat a healthy 3 meals a day I would GAIN weight. Stop making assumptions about other peoples bodies & stop the fat shaming & fatphobia
Tw//ed. I love Twitter and I refuse to remove myself from Twitter because of other people but considering I’ve been called fat, heavy, and a cow all just this week.. bro it’s kinda hard for me to put myself in this position while still very much struggling with an ED every day!
This thread is getting longer than I thought I promise it’s the last one - I’m just remembering all the times I’ve been shamed by this one person for refusing to go to the gym bc I knew the mindset that put me in and knew I couldn’t recover from my ed while focusing on my body
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